Friday, October 17, 2014

Thought about Frankincense Oil


  Well I got this info from The Essential Oils Pocket Reference book as well as some from The Coconut Momma's website. I really need some of this oil, It is already on my list of oils to purchase.  In the bible there are 52 references to frankincense including the word frankincense and the word incense which is the resin. There are different kinds of frankincense such as frankincense (Boswellia Carterii), Frereana Frankincense (Boswellia Frereana), and Sacred Frankincense (Boswellia Sacra). The Sacred Frankincense has medical properties to help with anti inflammatory issues in osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. The Essential Oils Pocket Reference states the traditional uses to be supporting skin health and treats stomach disorders, ulcers, cancer, dental and gum diseases, bad blood, infections, mental disorders, and insect bites. It is calming, and relaxing. You can diffuse, inhale, or take a couple drops in a capsule 3 times a day. The Frereana Frankincense is from Somalia. Anti-inflammatory used for arthritis/ rheumatism. Frankincense Carterii is said to be an anti-tumoral, immunostimulant, anti-depressant, muscle relaxer. It is also used for depression, cancer, respiratory infections, inflammation, and immune-stimulating. It can be diffused, inhaled, or put a drop in a capsule and take before each meal or as desired. 
     As I read all these illnesses and reasons to take or smell Frankincense I am blown away at what an Awesome God I serve. He created all these trees and plants and showed man the wisdom to process them in a way that with Young Living Oils they are 100% and can help us live and thrive. 

     Tiffany states 14 uses for using Frankincense Oil on her site The Coconut Momma, but I'm sure there are several more. Check it out and if you need to order some just let me know.

           14 Uses for Frankincense Essential Oil
1. Calming Massage 2-3 drops of Frankincense into your temples and on the back of your neck to relieve tension and anxiety.
2. Scars and Stretch Marks Apply a drop of Frankincense to scars and stretch marks twice a day to help them fade away. I had a nasty gash on my forehead that was turning into a deep scar, but after applying Frankincense every day for two weeks? It practically vanished! A month later and you can't see it at all.

Frankincense forehead scar testimonial, 4-6-2014
This is Tiffany's photo.

3. Blisters Apply a drop of Frankincense 3-5 times daily to speed healing.

4. Sun Damaged Skin and Sun Spots Fade sun spots and heal sun damaged skin by applying a drop of Frankincense twice a day.

5. Improve Concentration Diffuse Frankincense or apply to the temples and back of the neck to improve concentration.

6. Coughing Ease coughing by applying a few drops of Frankincense to the chest.

7. Healthy Fingernails Massage Frankincense oil into the fingernails and cuticles to support fingernail health.

8. Fight Wrinkles Add a few drops of Frankincense to your moisturizing oil to fight aging and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

9. Boost Your Mood Feeling low or overwhelmed? Apply 1-2 drops of Frankincense essential oil to the wrists and back of the neck to lift your spirits and reduce stress.

10. Cystic Acne Apply a drop of Frankincense to cysts to speed healing.

11. Breast Health Massage 2-3 drops of Frankincense oil into breast tissue to improve breast health naturally.

12. Itchy Bug Bites Dab a drop of Frankincense on bug bites to calm itching.

13. Warts Apply a drop of Frankincense essential oil to warts twice a day until healed.

14. Acne Scars and Red Marks Apply Frankincense to acne scars and red marks to speed healing and help them fade away. I have a special recipe for DIY serum for acne scars and red marks that includes Frankincense:

     There are also blends that contain Frankincense. These blends are Abundance, Acceptance, Believe, Brain Power, Common Sense, Egyptian Gold, Exodus ll, Forgiveness, Gathering, Gratitude, Harmony, Humility, ImmuPower, Inspiration, Into the Future, Longevity, Oola Balance,Oola Grow,  The Gift, 3 Wise Men, Transformation, Trauma Life,  and Valor.

     If you are interested in the other oils these blends have in them just ask.
Check back tomorrow and see what other info I will post. I think it will have a citrus smell. Yum!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Young Living Essential Oils

Hi all,                                                   

     I'm a new Young Living Essential Oils distributor. I don't even have all the oils that are said to be needed every day, but I am so excited at the health benefit they can give. I want to let you know some about these wonderful oils in post to come. They are oils from trees and plants. They are Therapeutic and a great addition to anyone's life either by diffusing, or topical.
I don't think we give much thought to what we put on our bodies or in our bodies. I have come to see that all the chemicals we ingest and slather on ourselves is not a good thing. The skin is the bodies largest organ. Everyday thousands of people shower, shave, wash their hair, put makeup on, spray on perfume... Do we really know what all those words on the back of the bottle are/ I know I don't and most of them I can't even pronounce. I believe the Lord has given me this knowledge by what I have read in books, seen online and yes the people He has put in our lives. To many we may be strange, or even crazy. I can take the crazy label, but I am truly thankful to my God that He has seen fit to give me these insights and I want to share what He has shown me and by His grace He will continue to show me.
     First off is the Lavender Essential Oil which is said to be the Swiss army knife of essential oils and no home should be without it. I have found so many uses for Lavender. It can assist the body when adapting to stress or imbalances, .calming and yes helping my husband and myself to sleep better yet has balancing properties that can also boost stamina and energy. . I diffused it while our grandson spent the night with us and the little boy who usually woke up at 6:00 or 6:30 slept in till 7:30. Now that might not seem like much to you but for us that extra hour of sleep was wonderful. I have read Lavender is good to put on burns, and even cuts, scratches, and bruises. Therapeutic-grade lavender is highly regarded for skin and beauty. When I look at ailments that people have I often notice Lavender is listed. Hope you check back in soon and see which oil I'll talk about next.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dr.Seuss Thing one and Thing 2

My latest project was baby bedding for our second son and his wife who are expecting twins. I got this project completed and put in the boxes just the day before the baby shower. I had kept it all hidden from them and everyone else except my husband and daughter who of course live here. I was told by my son and his wife that they wanted the theme of their nursery to be Dr. Seuss's Thing 1 and Thing 2. I had forgot what they even were till after I heard it was what they wanted. I thought how cute will this be, but had know idea how cute till it all came together. I made complete sets of a blanket, sheet, bumper, diaper holder, and organizer for each baby as well as a nursing cover for her if she chooses to do that. I made the sheets flannel since it it going to be cold soon here in Oklahoma. Our other grand babies were born in the summer so there was no need in warm snuggle sheets. I wanted to make these one of a kind like the bedding I had made before for our two other grandsons. I didn't want to just buy fabric like everyone else could do. I have Floriani software to embroidery one of a kind things which I love to do. I got these Dr. Seuss designs online for the different book covers such as Cat in the Hat, Hop on Pop, Are You my Mother Go Dog Go,  One Fish Two Fish, as well as the main one Thing 1 and Thing 2 and digitized them.  Since these designs are a copy written item I need to let you all know I made no money from them, nor will I be selling any more. These were a one time only one of a kind gift.  I will probably embroidery some them out on a purse or something for me or on a project for my grandsons but they will always be free and not for sale. I loved these stories when my kids were little. I hope you enjoy looking at my handy work. Thanks needs to be said to my sweet husband Scott who has encouraged me and believed in me, and B-Sew Inn and Cindy for their encouragement and telling me to be fierce

 Thing 1 and 2   Sorry some of the pictures are sideways. I couldn't figure out how to fix them.
 One of the sets
 Both blankets and the baby bed set up

I'm not much for primary colors and love aqua, pink, purple and lime green. I have to say though that this turned out so cute and will be adorable with two sweet little boys in them.
 Nursing cover, it is a little blurry but I'm very pleased with how it turned out. Plus it is another one of a kind and how cute will that be out in public nursing the boys?
These were the quilt blocks that I needed to use the Floriani software and the split an design feature. Cindy at B-Sew Inn helped me with that and now I know how to do it when I need to embroidery a design that doesn't fit in my largest hoop. Thanks Cindy!!

I know you can still see some of the water soluble stabilizer, but it will wash away after it is washed. This just kept the fuzzy fluff out of the way while I sewed it on.

What a warm flannel sheet. Each sheet has a different Thing on it. This is Thing 2.

This is the organizer. I have been told they are very handy to keep this and that in.

Name block. The other blanket has Alvin Scott on it. Each of them also have a block on the that says Love Mema and PaPa

Each time I looked at these while digitizing and then stitching them out I kept saying "It is so cute".